Adaptation to change is the secret to a successful organization.
Being a leader and directing an organization or a team is a significant commitment that comes with multifaceted responsibilities and an obligation to your success, organization’s success, and the people it affects.
You, however, are in this position because you are a leader, and you have the passion for making it succeed. You know your business better than anyone. And yet, you find that the world is quickly changing around you, and you need to find innovative ways to adapt to those changes.
Organizations grow and adapt over time, whether from personnel changes, financial pressures, or societal impacts; we no longer live in a world where organizations can successfully use the same model for 50 years. With the recent impacts of COVID and societal turmoil, we must learn new ways of operating.
Learning new ways of operating is particularly true when managing people and teams who are vital to the success of your organization. My job is to work with organizations that know their business but struggle with personnel engagement and management.
No one solution is an easy fix.
There are many one-click fixes out there for issues of inclusive practices and team building. Take the training and check the box to “solve the problem.”
You sit through several hours of slides in a presentation and leave with a shiny binder full of good information and great intentions. Then you quickly realize that the binders have dust on them, and the good intentions fell to habit and doing what you have always done because it was easier.
I have seen this approach fail time and time again. Failure to change is not the information from the training that is faulty or your leadership ability that is the problem. It is simply that in all our education and life experiences, we typically do not learn about IMPLEMENTATION!
Change comes from implementation.
The term implementation may sound like a very corporate world, but it pertains to studying human nature.
If you want to make changes in your organization, I can guide you on the path. Making a change is more than a policy change; it is an investment in the development of your organization.
An implementation process does not happen by checking a box. It happens over several months of preparation and thoughtful consideration to the unique environment of your organization and your unique goals.
Are you ready to invest? Continue reading for descriptions of some program options.
Learn to implement Inclusive Practices
You want to do the right thing for your team, but you are unsure where to start. In the last few years, the social pressures from the world have amplified tensions and caused struggles for everyone.
How do you step forward after a year like 2020 and unify a team of individuals? This question is tough to answer, but you have already taken a step in the right direction if you are asking it.
We will sit down and discuss your current situation and the goals you have for your team. Then, the problem-solving starts by putting solutions in place and assessing them over time to understand if they are adaptable and viable for your goals.
Implementing inclusive practices is not a short-term fix but a long-term investment in an actual solution.
Receive Mental Health Support
The entire world has faced stress levels beyond what we could imagine. Your organization has faced these challenges as well. But mental health struggles are not a product of COVID. Those struggles have always been there.
The last year has given us an excellent opportunity to focus on what matters – the mental health of your team and you matter. Finding support for the healthy minds of your team is a life-changing solution. Building in practices and support systems that foster a healthy team can secure the longevity of your success.
Implementation of mental health support involves examining the current systems you have and identifying where support is most needed and where it is accessible. This process can include programs for daily coping, suicide prevention and awareness, and team-building practices that foster connectivity.
Let’s discuss your mental health needs and build in the support to sustain your team.
Reduce Conflict by Implementing Restorative Justice Initiatives
Your organization or team is a connected community. Everyone has some investment in success, and they all have a commonality by being involved. Some of the most important relationships you will form come from the people you work with while serving on a team.
As we know, relationships take work, and they will run into conflict. Conflict can make the relationship stronger, or it can break the relationship. Restorative justice is a concept of repairing harm when the relationship runs into conflict, and it focuses on making the relationship stronger.
Imagine an issue that comes up between two vital team members right before a big event. Typically, the response is to either ignore the problems or punish someone. Neither of these options will keep both team members and resolve the issue.
Implementing restorative justice practices provides tools and built-in strategies for your team to face conflict like this and come out the other side thriving and stronger than ever. Contact me today to discuss the needs of your team.
Implementation is my specialty!
Implementation science fits perfectly with my background in psychology, the study of human nature.
I work with organizations and teams to understand where change is needed and develop and implement solutions. This work focuses on Inclusive Practices, Mental Health Support, and Restorative Justice initiatives.
As mentioned, implementation is an investment toward a long-term solution. We will work together over several months to design your goals and implement solutions that will have lasting impacts on the success of your organization.
Contact me today to discuss the implementation of your goals.